Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Sometimes... just sometimes.

I know I am TRULY blessed. I have an amazing, hard working, devoted husband. I have TWO beautiful, happy, silly, healthy little girls. I have a gorgeous dog who refuses to leave my side if she senses I'm not okay. I have a home and a car. I have a big an ENORMOUS supportive family. I am healthy, I am capable, I am pretty, I am smart.

 I have it all.
I really do.

But sometimes just sometimes I struggle. 
I struggle to see my husband for what he is.
An imperfect man.
I expect him to excel at everything.
To fail at nothing.
I expect his devotion to me to have no bounds.
But we still argue and disagree.
I expect him to work hard.
And to not be worn out when he gets home.
I expect him to take over my job when I need a break.
But I can't take over his when he needs a break.

I struggle with my kids.
I expect them to listen.
Silly me.
I expect them to sleep through the night.
They rarely do.
I expect them to know when mommy needs a moment.
They can't.
I beg them to take naps.
They don't.
I clean up messes just to clean them up again.
And again.
I get frustrated when they cry for no reason.
They can't help it.

I struggle with the dog.
Sometimes she's annoying.

I struggle with my home.
It's never as nice as someone else's.
It never stays clean.
Sometimes it's too large.
Mostly it's too small.

I struggle with the car.
Mostly trying to convince my self to pack the kids into it.
Along with half the house.
Just to get a gallon of milk.

I struggle with my family.
Trying not to offend.
Trying not to be offended.

I struggle with myself.
I don't always feel pretty.
I often feel self conscious.
I can be dumb.
Really dumb.
I can be negative.
Sometimes I convince myself I can't do something.
Or anything.

But when I get a moment. A quiet moment alone I start to realize.

Not everyone has what I have.
Not all husbands are good.
Mine is.
Not everyone can have kids.
I am lucky.
Not all kids are as healthy as mine are.
Not all dogs are as mellow, kind, or as attached to their owners as mine is.
Not everyone has a home to call their own.
I do.
Not everyone's families are close.
Mine is.
I am unique.
I don't look like everyone else.
Others have talents I don't.
But that's okay.

My husband works to support us.
Because he loves us.
My kids cry at night.
Because the need me.
They don't listen.
Because they want to be independent.
and My house doesn't stay clean because my kids are making memories.

Sometimes... Just sometimes.
I forget.
How lucky and blessed I am.

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