Thursday, May 22, 2014

Little voices

There are things we say on a daily basis. 
"Good morning" "hello""goodbye""I love you"...
But when our kids say those same little things in their own little ways in their sweet little voices... You melt. 

Every morning I hear two things, with out fail. 
1- Chloie "THE SKIES AWAKE!!!!" 
2- Evelynne "Hi mom!!! Mom!! Hi!!!" 

We also hear a lot of "NO"'s from Evelynne. 
And at least one "I wake up the baby!!" From Chloie. 

I have two girls who rarely ever stop talking. 
My favorite things to hear from them are:
"Your my most bestest friend, honey" & "You're home!!! I missed you so much!" (To pretty much anyone who comes through the door)
And "I you!" (I love you) & "gickle gickle gickle!" (Tickle tickle tickle) 

And we have one song being sung on repeat pretty much everyday.... Bet ya can't guess which song! 
(Let it go -frozen)
Now the reason I am talking about things I love hearing my kids say is because today was a rough day. 
Lots of crying, screaming, ornery kiddos... 
But I just put Eve down for bed and she said "night-night ma" for the first time and then chloie curled up in my lap and whispered "I love you, mommy" 
And all the stress of the day just slipped away.
Two very simple things were said and some how they fixed everything. 
Isn't amazing how things that seem so ordinary when you say them can somehow seem so extraordinary when your child says them?? 

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


So, as most of you know, I have a couple extra kiddos floating around my house pretty much every day.
Oliver and Gwenny have definitely changed my life (for the better). :)

It has been so fun this past year watching Oliver, he is such a goofy little guy. 
He and Eve are usually the best of friends, giving hugs and kisses, and holding hands. They make my heart happy. But while watching ninja turtles Chloie becomes his best bud. They do ninja moves all over and giggle. It's pretty fun to watch.  

I've been watching Gwenny since her mommy started going back to school in January (Go Jen!) and I will have her through the summer semester and for the foreseeable future (possibly until her mom is finished with her schooling). Gwen and Chloie are pretty much inseparable when she is here. Chloie becomes Gwennys "keeper", she helps me calm her down when she's upset, shares her toys, kisses any owies, helps me feed her, helps me get her on the bus for school... Etc. It's been fun to see them bond and to see how much Gwen trusts her (she does not feel the same way with Eve and Oliver, they are a little more unpredictable :) )

 Having two additional littles to care for has not been easy BUT I wouldn't trade them for anything! 
I love seeing all their different personalities: 

Chloie is definitely the ring leader, she is talkative, stubborn, creative, and caring. And, oh man, can she sing! Loudly... For hours.. Haha 

Gwen is a quiet people watcher, though that pointer finger of hers can be awful demanding. (she is non-verbal) but she can be very vocal when she is happy (or upset). And although she almost seems afraid of Eve and Oliver she is so very gentle when they are close to her. 

Oliver is definitely all boy (which is a whole new world for this "girl mom") he Loves Ninja Turtles, in fact "turtles" is pretty much all he says all day. His laugh is contagious. And his tender heart just melts me, He loves to be snuggled when the girls are being "mean" (not sharing or to busy singing to play). And the fact that he hates to be messy/dirty is a breath of fresh air!  :) 

Evelynne is my quiet sneaker. Into everything, climbs anything, and does it all with a smile that could kill! She really could get away with murder with a smile like that. She is also very sweet, kisses for everyone! And the best napper! 
I will admit, not everyday is all sunshine and roses,  tantrums and rough days are to be expected with two- three year olds and two- one year olds. But the good days by far out weigh the "bad". 

I am so blessed to be able to be home with my littles and to be able to help with my niece and nephew. 
While somedays I wish I was able to run in and out of the grocery store in five minutes without a cart full of kids saying "hi" to everyone or some one saying "looks like you've got your hands full!"
 On the days where I "get" to leave the house alone I feel... Empty. Like there should be a child on each hip and at least one walking beside me and BOY am I socially awkward when there isn't a three year old talking for me... ;)

I guess what I am trying to say is that I love the life I've been given. 
I am happy. :)

Sunday, May 4, 2014

A year ago today

-Sitting in a hospital 
holding the hand of a woman I'd know my entire life. 
Listening to monitors.
Starring at numbers.
Wish and hoping. 
Hugging my mother. 
Sitting with my best friends brother and 
Talking with his wife.
Trying my best to keep it together 
to stand by my friends side,
Through thick and through thin 
we've always been 

3nights we sat, my mother and I 
Begging her to squeeze our hands 
or bat an eye

Then a phone call from dad set my heart on fire 
My grandpa was sick
His situation seemed dire 
Not wanting him to miss the blessing of my child 
I threw together a simple celebration 

Not two hours before 
I revived a message
"Karen passed away peacefully, surrounded by family" 

I chose not to feel it
No tears would be shed, 
Until after my husband laid his hands on Eve's head 
Quietly I sat 
Hearing the sweet words
A blessing of a life just beginning 
Sitting next to a man whose life would, all too soon, be ending 

Sleep deprived and overwhelmed 
I sat numbly and watched 
Suddenly I felt a sweet presence 
A peaceful happiness 
as I looked at my child 
And I'm sure she was there 
From heaven she came
To be part of this moment 
To ease some of my pain

So much happened in so little of time
Too much to process
Too much to feel 
Holding it back was my way to deal
A whole year later 
And I'm still not sure it was real... -

(Both of these pictures were taken a year ago today)

How lucky am I to have known such an amazing woman? To have her daughter as one of my closest friends? 
I do not think I would be who I am today if I hadn't known the Wilson family. 
Karen was beautiful, inside and out. 
Plus, she raised my best friend. 
Who I honestly could not live without. 
I cannot put into words all of the memories I cherish of Karen. 
I'll remember her always and love her forever. 