Thursday, January 31, 2013

Week 3

This week of boot camp has flown by... for me at least!
We had a 2 year Doctor appointment for Chloie on Monday, Chloie is classified as difficult (or spirited) because she is smart and social. So I was given a million papers on "how to handle your difficult child", not gonna say I'm surprised by the fact that she is smart or social... but really, she's not that difficult. Independent?? Maybe. Friendly?? Definitely! Honestly she is pretty easy going, she throws tempertantrums just like any two year old but for the most part... it's like I'm raising a mini me... :) I can handle it.

Eve has a little cold so we are watching her closely but it seems like nothing more then a little stuffy nose and a cough. No wheezing or difficult breathing, so hopefully it won't turn into RSV.

Ben has been home around 7 all week (yesterday he got home by 5 so we went out to dinner with his parents :) ) It has been nice having him here to help get the girls to bed and give me a little break.

He says this week has been the easiest so far, maybe he'll be singing a different tune after doing endless hose runs all day today... we'll see.

I can't wait to spend the majority of the day tomorrow with my hubby! :) (more doctor appointments tomorrow... ugh)

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Chloie's Birthday Party

We missed a few people at Chloie's party (Baylie and Aubree were both working, My mom and two of my nieces were sick so they couldn't come) But we still had fun, it was mellow but fun.

We had cake and ice cream and then Chloie (with some help from her uncle Jayce) opened her presents.
And I took a few pictures...

 My little sister Baylie came by earlier in the day to see Chloie since she was going to miss the party.

 Everything all set up.
 I may not be the best cake decorator around but I think my owl turned out pretty cute!
 Jayce and Chloie!
 Diggin' in!
 Opening gifts with Daddy and Uncle Jayce

 My dad!
 My baby brother!
 Lee and Oliver!
 My girls and I with Uncle Lee and Cousin Oliver!
 Cutest little boy I've ever met! I LOVE HIS CHUBBY CHEEKS!!!
 Gwenny, I really tried to get her to smile but this was the face I got... :) I think she was tired.

 What a nut!
 Trying on dress ups from Aunt Kenzie and Uncle Lee.
My little family! Thanks to all who were able to come celebrate our Chloie's second birthday with us! :)

Friday, January 25, 2013

Boot Camp Week Two

It is finally starting to get a little easier, we have a routine to keep us entertained and busy while Daddy is gone.
Chloie refuses to go to sleep with out her daddy though, it is the cutest thing I've ever seen.
Her eye's get all droopy and she will suck her thumb, it's pretty obvious she is tired but she will not lay down until her daddy gets home and lays down with her.
She seriously loves her daddy and really misses him.

Ben says that this week has been ten times better then last week! Which is good to hear.
He hasn't been quite as exhausted when he gets home this week, which means I get to talk to someone who responds in full sentences! :)

On a side note, I am REALLY excited about Chloie's Birthday Party tomorrow! We just invited family and are keeping it really small (with a new baby and it being flu season and all, it's best to keep it small). I am making the cake and praying it turns out as cute as I hope! And Mackenzie and Baylie are coming over to help decorate the house and frost the cakes during the day tomorrow! Its gonna be fun!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

I have a two year old?!

Where has the time gone?? I have a two year old...
Just yesterday she was itty bitty and crawling around! Now shes a walking, talking, dancing, singing, exploring two year old? No way. Can't be...
But i guess it's true.


Since it was too cold to go out and play and her party isn't til Saturday, I decided to let her play dress up. She even got to play with mommies lip stick (which she always begs for). After dancing around and being crazy for a while I took some pictures of her.

I still can't believe how much she has grown...

She was little worn out after playing!

I love this little girl more then she will ever understand, she is my little monster, my mess maker, my helper with Eve, She is my whole world (her are her sister of course).
Happy Birthday to my princess Chloie!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

something inspirational...

I love reading other people's blogs, especially the "professional bloggers". Some of them are constantly posting something inspirational... and their lives seem significantly more interesting then my own.
These women are talented, eloquent, artsy, beautiful, and creative.
I am less so.
I have this horrible habit of comparing my self to... well everyone. Which is something I am TRYING desperately to stop. So today looking at all these other blogs I realized... yeah, my pictures aren't as AMAZING as theirs... my crafts don't always turn out as well as I had hoped... my house doesn't look like it should be in a magazine... and the things I choose to write about may not be that exciting to everyone else...
But I'm not trying to be those other women, I am just trying to be me. My camera is 7 years old, so while it may not take the best pictures... its what I've got and I'm grateful just to have it. My crafts don't turn out how I picture them in my head because I was NEVER interested in crafts growing up, I've never been artsy, I'm a bookworm at heart just trying to learn to be crafty. My house doesn't look like it came from a magazine because I have kids who are making memories in my home and that is more important then it being immaculate all the time (occasionally is nice, though :) )
And what I write about is important and exciting to me, because this is my life. It doesn't have to be exciting to everyone else.
That's all.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Ben's day 3 and our day 4

Yesterday for Ben:
3 Hours (straight) of cross fit work outs (two of the recruits had to get I.V.s')
Then the rest of the day was medical training... he didn't get home until 10:45 last night.
He was EXHAUSTED (again).
Still so proud of him, he is working so hard!

Today he had to go sit in on an EMT class from 8-5.
I wish he had been home cause Chloie was being hilarious today!

couple things she did that almost made me pee my pants:

She climbed over the ledge that is above the couch and goes into our kitchen, grabbed a crepe then climbed back over (with out falling) then as she tried to sit she, still not completely sure how, face planted off the couch. Popped up and yelled, "its alright!!" with her hands up over her head.

Then later she was squatting in the middle of the living room and looked like she might pass out so I ran over to her and asked if she was okay, she whispered "yes" (which sounds more like "yass") and then I asked if she was pooping "yass" so (since we are trying to potty train) I asked if she could stand up and run to the toilet "No, ma... no"

Seriously too funny. I love her!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Days 2 and 3

Yesterday I decided I was gonna learn how to manage my naturally curly hair, to make my life a little easier... with the hubby being gone it's making it harder for me to have ANY time for myself (I've always had pretty straight/ wavy hair until I got pregnant with out newest baby girl, Eve, Now its really curly)
 ^Day one dealing with the curl, so much easier then trying to fight it.^

I also decided to make myself a framed To-list for my kitchen so I can attempt to keep up with everything and everyone.

               ^My to-do lists, now I can just use a dry erase marker and reuse the same lists.^ :)

Ben came home at 8pm yesterday, which was a pleasant surprise.

I had made plans to do my friend, Mackenzie's, hair and my sister in-law, Aubree's hair since i didn't expect him home til way later. So when he came home he was greeted by a couple extra faces. :)

And this morning, once again... Ben left at 530am and we have no clue when he will be home.

Today has been fun... My two year old, Chloie, is sick. Which is almost as bad as having a sick husband... Almost. ha.
She has not been happy today, she LOVES her baby sister so not being able to hug and kiss and snuggle her all day has made her VERY grumpy. But unfortunately I cannot handle having a sick 4 week old baby on top of everything else.
So today involved lots of cuddling and consoling Chloie and spending time with baby Eve when Chloie is distracted. I'm desperately hoping that Chloie will be feeling better tomorrow and that Eve hasn't caught this bug already.

 ^crappy picture, trying to make my two year old happy when she's not feeling well is tough but she will perk right up and say cheese the second she see's a camera. :) ^
^Snuggle time with my babies, mommy is just another word for pillow :)^

On a side note, studying with Ben the other night really paid off. He was the only one at boot camp who could recite the quote word for word to the captain. So proud of my hubs, he's definitely doing his best to  prove that he is willing to do whatever it takes to reach his goals (and that he deserves to be there {which he DOES} and he didn't just get hired on because he married a BC's daughter). :)

Thursday, January 17, 2013

And so it Begins...

I've decided to start blog about our family as Ben goes through boot camp for the next 15 weeks and continuing on to our life with a full time fire fighter for a husband and daddy...
Since I grew up in a home with a paramedic /firefighter for a father, I KNOW it is going to make our lives... interesting... to say the least. :) But now it's my turn to experience what my mom has for the past 23 years and what my amazing sister-in-law has been experiencing for the past 6-7 years with my brother.

This is my way of keeping perspective and keeping myself together for the next 15 weeks. Plus... I'm hoping it will be fun to look back and read about how hard things seem now and to see how far we will have come as a family. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger... right? :)

Yesterday was Boot Camp Day 1.
Ben left at 5:30am to go meet up with a couple other guys to carpool to EOC. (I can honestly say that I have NO IDEA what EOC stands for... probably something obvious but I'll let my brother make me feel like an idiot when I ask him later :) ) He is not allowed to have phone with him while he is there and we have no idea when he will be home... I have the BC's and captains numbers to call if there is an emergency (BC is Battalion Chief {which is what my dad is now}).
He FINALLY came home just before 10pm and was EXHAUSTED.
They told us he would be tired but I did not expect to see him so completely worn out. They really put the recruits through hell.
But he still had home work to do, So I helped him memorize this firefighters quote... til midnight... then he gave Chloie, Eve, and I all kisses and passed out. :)

My day...
Less rough...
Cleaned the house. Entertained, fed, bathed, clothed, and cuddled our two little girls. Worked out til the girls started crying (yay).  Did Ben's laundry and made him lunches and dinners for the next 2 days and when he came home I went to the store to pick up a list of things he needed for the next day and helped him with homework. Then stayed up til 3 with Eve (she was not a happy baby last night), then was woken up at 430 by my hubby as he started getting ready for Day two of boot camp.
It's only been one day so far and I already miss being able to communicate with my hubby while he's gone and spending a few hours with him after work, also having the help with the girls at night so I can rest as well.

It's already pretty obvious that these next 15 weeks are going to be rough on our whole family... BUT it will be well worth it to have him doing what he loves and being home more often after boot camp ends. :)