Saturday, September 13, 2014


I knew that a change in my attitude would result in a change in my kids attitudes and my nieces too. 
I knew that positivity is contagious. 
But I never imagined the change it would make in my marriage. In my husband, to be specific. 
Now I'm not talking about a huge, mind blowing type change I'm talking about a change in the little things. 
Helping me with chores without me asking for help, giving me time alone after the kids go to bed (which is so needed when your life revolves around others), he even opened the car door for me the other day. Which on its own is a small miracle. (He has not done that since before our wedding. 5years ago) 
The way he talks to me has changed and the way he looks at me has changed. 
It is amazing how a change i made for myself has effected everyone around me. 
I have not felt better about myself, my life, and my marriage before. 
And it not like something drastic had to change. 
I chose to be happy.
 I chose to be positive. 
I chose to be a better person. 
It was that simple. :)

Friday, September 5, 2014


"Positive thoughts generate positive feelings and attract positive life experiences."

My life can be a bit stressful. And a bit depressing. 
I'm alone a LOT with 2 to 4 kids under the age 4. 
And while I'm never actually alone I feel lonely quite often. 
Last year there were a few days where negative thinking got the best of me. 
And I've chosen to do things differently this year (school year). 

Positivity is contagious. 
I have found over the last few weeks that if I wake up with a positive attitude my kids "catch" it. Then when I act positively towards my niece Gwenny (instead of being half asleep and rather indifferent like I have done in the past) when I get her out of her car each morning she reacts positively. Which in turn makes my day a whole lot easier. 

Positive reassurance is also helpful around my house... For some reason everytime I try to go to the bathroom or get a drink I have a herd of children chasing me, screaming and crying because for some reason (even my kids)  think I'm leaving them. 
So we say lots of "I love you"'s "I'm right here" "I'm not leaving" and "you can come too"'s 
Seems to help with the group emotional breakdowns. 

Today when I dropped Gwenny off with my mother in law she (Gwen) did not want me to leave her. I was holding her and as soon as we walked in the house she squeezed my arm tight and started pointing to me (her way of saying she wants to stay with you) and waving "bye bye" to grandma. Which is very unusual (She LOVES her grandma!). But honestly, I loved it. 
I love that I have been able to develop such a great relationship with her and that she has grown kind of attached to me. 
It's amazing how a positive action like that from a child can make you feel so loved! 

Lately at the end of our busy days (or in the morning while kids eat breakfast when ben is home) I do a quick yoga session to help relax and center myself. 
Seriously, it has helped a ton! 
My attitude has changed, the way I talk to my husband and children has changed, and the way I feel about myself is changing. 

Positive thoughts and actions create a positive atmosphere.