Thursday, May 22, 2014

Little voices

There are things we say on a daily basis. 
"Good morning" "hello""goodbye""I love you"...
But when our kids say those same little things in their own little ways in their sweet little voices... You melt. 

Every morning I hear two things, with out fail. 
1- Chloie "THE SKIES AWAKE!!!!" 
2- Evelynne "Hi mom!!! Mom!! Hi!!!" 

We also hear a lot of "NO"'s from Evelynne. 
And at least one "I wake up the baby!!" From Chloie. 

I have two girls who rarely ever stop talking. 
My favorite things to hear from them are:
"Your my most bestest friend, honey" & "You're home!!! I missed you so much!" (To pretty much anyone who comes through the door)
And "I you!" (I love you) & "gickle gickle gickle!" (Tickle tickle tickle) 

And we have one song being sung on repeat pretty much everyday.... Bet ya can't guess which song! 
(Let it go -frozen)
Now the reason I am talking about things I love hearing my kids say is because today was a rough day. 
Lots of crying, screaming, ornery kiddos... 
But I just put Eve down for bed and she said "night-night ma" for the first time and then chloie curled up in my lap and whispered "I love you, mommy" 
And all the stress of the day just slipped away.
Two very simple things were said and some how they fixed everything. 
Isn't amazing how things that seem so ordinary when you say them can somehow seem so extraordinary when your child says them?? 