Sunday, April 28, 2013

Baked Doughnuts!

For starters, I'm sorry that all I ever talk about lately is baking. BUT baking is one of the only things I am really good at and I am really enjoying it lately!

While my kids were napping and Ben was playing one of his games I decided to try out making BAKED doughnuts. Not gonna lie they are different then fried doughnuts but still pretty darn good. :)
I looked on pinterest (shocker, right?) and took ideas from a few different recipes and came up with this...

3/4 cups Warm Milk
1 packet Active Dry Yeast
1 tbsp. Unsalted Butter
1/3 cup Sugar
1 Egg
2 ½ cup All Purpose Flour
Pinch of Nutmeg
½ tsp. Salt

Vanilla glaze:
(MORE then Enough to glaze all the doughnuts)
¼ cup Milk
1 tsp. Pure Vanilla Extract
2 cups Confectioners Sugar

Chocolate drizzle:
1/2 tsp oil (I used coconut)
1/4 chocolate chips
To make to dough put 1/4cup of the warm milk into large mixing bowl sprinkle yeast over the top and let sit for about 5 mins. (get some water boiling in a sauce pan{ I'll explain in a minute :)})
In a smaller bowl combine the rest of the milk, butter (I melted mine so it would blend better), sugar, and egg then add to the yeast/milk mixture. Combine until smooth.  Stir in nutmeg and salt. Then gradually add Flour until dough is formed. 
Put dough into a greased glass bowl, cover with a clean kitchen towel, and put on top rack of oven. THIS is where the boiling water comes in to play, put the pot of boiling water on the lower rack then close the oven and let the dough raise for about 30 mins.

Once the dough is raised about twice the size take it out and roll on a lightly floured surface (using a chilled rolling pin helps it so the dough doesn't stick). Cut out doughnuts ( I don't have a nifty doughnut cutter so I user a small cup for the big circle and a bottle {yeah I know I'm weird} for the small circle). Try to use as much of the dough as possible, rerolling and kneading the dough will make it tougher so you'll end up with dense doughnuts instead of light and fluffy ones.
set the cut out doughnuts on a greased or parchment paper lined cookie sheet and pop them back in the oven with boiling water to raise for another 30 mins.
Then heat your oven to 350 and bake for 7 mins.
Let cool for 5.

While the doughnuts are cooling make the glaze in a small sauce pan. WARM (not boil) milk and vanilla then whisk in the sugar til smooth.
melt chocolate chips and oil and mix until smooth.

Dip the cool doughnuts in the glaze and drizzle with chocolate.



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