Wednesday, April 24, 2013

4 Days Off 2 Days On and Eve's 4 month check up

Ben and I are still trying to adjust to life with out boot camp. I have woken up in the middle of night in a panic thinking I forgot to pack his lunches or wash his uniform. Ben is still having dreams about boot camp and acting them out and is constantly feeling like he should be studying or getting stuff ready.
This first 4 days off were... nice... but it is definitely something we will have to get use too.
My daily routine with my daughters was thrown completely outta whack  Everything I cleaned was instantly undone by the hubby and I actually had to make breakfast and lunch for myself and the hubbs instead of just feeding the girls all day and eating dinner when Ben came home. My diet coke intake was monitored and a few comments were made about me needing food or something besides diet coke. (whatever!) I was able to go to the store WITHOUT my kids... constantly felt like I was forgetting something... ha.
But I actually got to spend time with Ben, we went on a date ALONE for the first time in was feels like ages! We had conversations that lasted longer then the ten seconds it took him to fall asleep after boot camp. I TOOK A NAP all by myself! and Ben cooked dinner for me while I snuggled with my babies. I was even able take Eve to the doctor without hauling her and Chloie in (Chlo stayed home with her daddy:)).
Today he is at the fire station and will be there for the next 48hours. BUT I can text or call or even go SEE him if I want to :) which is SO nice after not being able to communicate at all through the 15 weeks of boot camp.
I am so excited that we are FINALLY starting this new chapter in our lives!

Yesterday was Eve's 4 month check up.
She is 13 pounds and 24 inches tall, she is in the 35th percentile for height, 45th for weight, and 50th for her head circumference. Which means she is built like I was, Short, fat, and with a big head. hahah.
She is SO different from Chloie it's crazy. Chloie has always been 50th percentile on everything. She is a tall and skinny girl (I'm pretty sure she is built like Ben's sisters). She has ALWAYS slept through the night and She has never been really into food, she would rather have juice or milk.
Eve on the other hand FINALLY slept through the night last night and LOVES food. She gets so excited when she see her spoon she kicks her feet, squeals, and smiles! I love it! I've been feeding her baby food 3 times a day for the past two weeks (since she started solids)and her doctor yesterday told me to move her up to second stage food already so she is getting more solids (which was supposed to get her to sleep through the night and it did!) and he wants her to be eating the third stage foods, with the chunks, by her 6 month appointment. Which seems crazy to me since Chloie didn't start the second stage foods until she was 6 months and the third stage til she was 9 months. But Chloie preferred her bottle and Eve prefers solids. Every kid is different... haha.
Well Chloie just shut herself in my bedroom so I should probably go see what walls she is decorating or what she is destroying... LOVE MY TWO YEAR OLD!

Thanks for stopping by!

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