Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Teaching my kiddos!

Being a stay at home mom is the BEST job I've ever had.
I have to get to spend all day long with my kids.
Not only do I get to play with them all day, I get to teach them!
It is so fun when your kid catches on to what you've been trying to teach them.
When Chloie finally started to understand that each letter had a name and a sound there was no stopping her.
She is even reading two letter words. like "it" and "go" and knows that some letters make different sounds when you put them together like "et" and "st".
To say that I am proud of her is an understatement!
She completely amazes me!
This week we have been really working on colors. I've noticed that other kids her age know their colors really well (but most don't know their letters and sounds...) So I've been doing everything I can think of, from coloring poster boards, to play dough, to bath tub paint, to sidewalk paint. Just to get her playing with colors while naming them.
It seems to be working, she's getting most of them right. I don't think she's fully caught on yet but she will. :)

The sidewalk paint is a new thing we tried today.
Chloie LOVED it!
She told me what color she was painting with and every time I said "Yep that's right, Chloie!" when she would name a color correctly she would jump up and down and yell "I did it!!". :)
I could not love her more!

^Flour (or you can use corn starch) water and food coloring! Mix to paint like consistency^

With Eve we have been working on sitting up, using her tiny little leg muscles to bare weight, rolling, and we've been watching signing time (I'm sure I've mentioned how much I love signing time before) when big sis naps. I believe that even little babies need some form of exercise. It helps them get all those awful tummy bubbles out (which makes them loads happier) and wears them out so they sleep better at night. :) AND getting them moving helps them to be more independent, which I am a big fan of. (this is all MY opinion, of course. No need to agree) :)

I cannot even begin to tell you how much I LOVE being a mom and how much I adore my sweet little girls.
I am BEYOND lucky to have them!

Sometimes... just sometimes.

I know I am TRULY blessed. I have an amazing, hard working, devoted husband. I have TWO beautiful, happy, silly, healthy little girls. I have a gorgeous dog who refuses to leave my side if she senses I'm not okay. I have a home and a car. I have a big an ENORMOUS supportive family. I am healthy, I am capable, I am pretty, I am smart.

 I have it all.
I really do.

But sometimes just sometimes I struggle. 
I struggle to see my husband for what he is.
An imperfect man.
I expect him to excel at everything.
To fail at nothing.
I expect his devotion to me to have no bounds.
But we still argue and disagree.
I expect him to work hard.
And to not be worn out when he gets home.
I expect him to take over my job when I need a break.
But I can't take over his when he needs a break.

I struggle with my kids.
I expect them to listen.
Silly me.
I expect them to sleep through the night.
They rarely do.
I expect them to know when mommy needs a moment.
They can't.
I beg them to take naps.
They don't.
I clean up messes just to clean them up again.
And again.
I get frustrated when they cry for no reason.
They can't help it.

I struggle with the dog.
Sometimes she's annoying.

I struggle with my home.
It's never as nice as someone else's.
It never stays clean.
Sometimes it's too large.
Mostly it's too small.

I struggle with the car.
Mostly trying to convince my self to pack the kids into it.
Along with half the house.
Just to get a gallon of milk.

I struggle with my family.
Trying not to offend.
Trying not to be offended.

I struggle with myself.
I don't always feel pretty.
I often feel self conscious.
I can be dumb.
Really dumb.
I can be negative.
Sometimes I convince myself I can't do something.
Or anything.

But when I get a moment. A quiet moment alone I start to realize.

Not everyone has what I have.
Not all husbands are good.
Mine is.
Not everyone can have kids.
I am lucky.
Not all kids are as healthy as mine are.
Not all dogs are as mellow, kind, or as attached to their owners as mine is.
Not everyone has a home to call their own.
I do.
Not everyone's families are close.
Mine is.
I am unique.
I don't look like everyone else.
Others have talents I don't.
But that's okay.

My husband works to support us.
Because he loves us.
My kids cry at night.
Because the need me.
They don't listen.
Because they want to be independent.
and My house doesn't stay clean because my kids are making memories.

Sometimes... Just sometimes.
I forget.
How lucky and blessed I am.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Baked Doughnuts!

For starters, I'm sorry that all I ever talk about lately is baking. BUT baking is one of the only things I am really good at and I am really enjoying it lately!

While my kids were napping and Ben was playing one of his games I decided to try out making BAKED doughnuts. Not gonna lie they are different then fried doughnuts but still pretty darn good. :)
I looked on pinterest (shocker, right?) and took ideas from a few different recipes and came up with this...

3/4 cups Warm Milk
1 packet Active Dry Yeast
1 tbsp. Unsalted Butter
1/3 cup Sugar
1 Egg
2 ½ cup All Purpose Flour
Pinch of Nutmeg
½ tsp. Salt

Vanilla glaze:
(MORE then Enough to glaze all the doughnuts)
¼ cup Milk
1 tsp. Pure Vanilla Extract
2 cups Confectioners Sugar

Chocolate drizzle:
1/2 tsp oil (I used coconut)
1/4 chocolate chips
To make to dough put 1/4cup of the warm milk into large mixing bowl sprinkle yeast over the top and let sit for about 5 mins. (get some water boiling in a sauce pan{ I'll explain in a minute :)})
In a smaller bowl combine the rest of the milk, butter (I melted mine so it would blend better), sugar, and egg then add to the yeast/milk mixture. Combine until smooth.  Stir in nutmeg and salt. Then gradually add Flour until dough is formed. 
Put dough into a greased glass bowl, cover with a clean kitchen towel, and put on top rack of oven. THIS is where the boiling water comes in to play, put the pot of boiling water on the lower rack then close the oven and let the dough raise for about 30 mins.

Once the dough is raised about twice the size take it out and roll on a lightly floured surface (using a chilled rolling pin helps it so the dough doesn't stick). Cut out doughnuts ( I don't have a nifty doughnut cutter so I user a small cup for the big circle and a bottle {yeah I know I'm weird} for the small circle). Try to use as much of the dough as possible, rerolling and kneading the dough will make it tougher so you'll end up with dense doughnuts instead of light and fluffy ones.
set the cut out doughnuts on a greased or parchment paper lined cookie sheet and pop them back in the oven with boiling water to raise for another 30 mins.
Then heat your oven to 350 and bake for 7 mins.
Let cool for 5.

While the doughnuts are cooling make the glaze in a small sauce pan. WARM (not boil) milk and vanilla then whisk in the sugar til smooth.
melt chocolate chips and oil and mix until smooth.

Dip the cool doughnuts in the glaze and drizzle with chocolate.



Thursday, April 25, 2013

Almond Joy Inspired Macaroons!

Lately my favorite thing to do is get on pinterest or allrecipes.com and look at other peoples recipes. I've been baking a LOT lately and my new favorite cookie to make is the macaroon. They are amazing cookies.
Crunchy on the outside and soft  and chewy on the inside... just all around goodness. :)
So I've been looking at different ways to make them, change the flavor, or texture and I've come up with my own recipe using my favorite candy bar as my inspiration. (Almond Joy)

I've had to tweak the ratios on a few recipes a bit and I made sure I wasn't just copying someone else recipe. I've searched and haven't found the same one anywhere! :)

I was a little nervous making up my own recipe. I LOVE to bake but I usually just follow the instructions.
But let me just tell you that these cookies turned out WAY better then I was expecting and I am definitely going to be making them again! I have a few other recipes that I've been tinkering with that I want to test out first.. If they turn out half as good I'll be posting those recipes as well :)

Ingredients :

2 egg whites
1/2 tsp almond extract
3/4 cup sugar
1 Tbs cocoa
1 cup coconut flakes

Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
Beat egg whites and almond extract until fluffy. Add sugar and cocoa beat in high until stiff peaks form. Fold in coconut flakes. Drop onto greased cookie sheet by rounded teaspoon fulls.
Bake for 20 mins. :)

Super easy! :)

Here is what they should look like

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

4 Days Off 2 Days On and Eve's 4 month check up

Ben and I are still trying to adjust to life with out boot camp. I have woken up in the middle of night in a panic thinking I forgot to pack his lunches or wash his uniform. Ben is still having dreams about boot camp and acting them out and is constantly feeling like he should be studying or getting stuff ready.
This first 4 days off were... nice... but it is definitely something we will have to get use too.
My daily routine with my daughters was thrown completely outta whack  Everything I cleaned was instantly undone by the hubby and I actually had to make breakfast and lunch for myself and the hubbs instead of just feeding the girls all day and eating dinner when Ben came home. My diet coke intake was monitored and a few comments were made about me needing food or something besides diet coke. (whatever!) I was able to go to the store WITHOUT my kids... constantly felt like I was forgetting something... ha.
But I actually got to spend time with Ben, we went on a date ALONE for the first time in was feels like ages! We had conversations that lasted longer then the ten seconds it took him to fall asleep after boot camp. I TOOK A NAP all by myself! and Ben cooked dinner for me while I snuggled with my babies. I was even able take Eve to the doctor without hauling her and Chloie in (Chlo stayed home with her daddy:)).
Today he is at the fire station and will be there for the next 48hours. BUT I can text or call or even go SEE him if I want to :) which is SO nice after not being able to communicate at all through the 15 weeks of boot camp.
I am so excited that we are FINALLY starting this new chapter in our lives!

Yesterday was Eve's 4 month check up.
She is 13 pounds and 24 inches tall, she is in the 35th percentile for height, 45th for weight, and 50th for her head circumference. Which means she is built like I was, Short, fat, and with a big head. hahah.
She is SO different from Chloie it's crazy. Chloie has always been 50th percentile on everything. She is a tall and skinny girl (I'm pretty sure she is built like Ben's sisters). She has ALWAYS slept through the night and She has never been really into food, she would rather have juice or milk.
Eve on the other hand FINALLY slept through the night last night and LOVES food. She gets so excited when she see her spoon she kicks her feet, squeals, and smiles! I love it! I've been feeding her baby food 3 times a day for the past two weeks (since she started solids)and her doctor yesterday told me to move her up to second stage food already so she is getting more solids (which was supposed to get her to sleep through the night and it did!) and he wants her to be eating the third stage foods, with the chunks, by her 6 month appointment. Which seems crazy to me since Chloie didn't start the second stage foods until she was 6 months and the third stage til she was 9 months. But Chloie preferred her bottle and Eve prefers solids. Every kid is different... haha.
Well Chloie just shut herself in my bedroom so I should probably go see what walls she is decorating or what she is destroying... LOVE MY TWO YEAR OLD!

Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, April 19, 2013

Oh Happy Day!

It's OVER!! No more exhausted hubby, no more making lunches, no more tempertantrums when daddy is not home, just NO MORE BOOT CAMP! Hooray!!!

I am so relieved that this experience is over. It was not the best for Ben, unfortunately. The BC over the training camp does NOT like my dad and he really put Ben through hell because of it. Sad, but that's the way it worked out.
At the graduation Ben did the pledge and recited the Fire Fighters Prayer, the other recruits picked him to do this (which was pretty surprising to the BC).
The ceremony was awesome. I really enjoyed the video they did of the recruits and I got to pin Ben's badge on (FINALLY part of the family! :) ).
After the graduation the recruits went out and took pictures as a group then we all just mingled for a bit. I made sure to talk to the BC that had it in for Ben before we left. I wish you could have seen the look on his face when I shook his hand, smiled, and sincerely (not sarcastically) THANKED him for the training camp and all his hard work. Told him it was a good experience for Ben (which is true he now fully understands fire dept. politics, ha) and (fudging the truth a bit) said Ben really enjoyed it.
I don't think he expected ANYONE from my family to say a word to him. He look shocked. I loved it. I just showed him that even though HE has a problem with my dad and treated my husband horribly, I could still be nice. Maybe, JUST MAYBE. He'll learn from my example. ;) or he'll feel like a complete Jackass. Either way works for me! :)
But anyways.
Ben had his first shift today. He is on C-platoon and working at Station #104 (which was my dad's station when Jayce was born{where he was a captain with the BC that doesn't like him ha!})
It almost seems unreal. He is actually a fire man and he is DONE with bootcamp. I'm afraid I'll wake up from this dream and have to make another lunch. ugh!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Emotional Exhaustion

Emotional Exhaustion... I don't know if that even beings to describe how I am feeling this week...

On Saturday morning I received a text from my life long friend telling me that her mom (my second mom) has  Leukemia and will be hospitalized for Chemotherapy for the next 4-6 weeks.
This news sent me into shock. I just sat there. Then called my mom to tell her that her best friend is sick. Very sick. I had to repeat my self a few times because the second I heard my moms voice I lost it. Just collapsed into sobbs. 
Then about an hour later my husband asked what was wrong and it took a while for me to convince myself to say it out loud again. Once again bursting into tears. 
We then met up with Ben's parents and sister to go to a session at the Salt Lake LDS Temple. It took everything I had to keep my composure on the was to temple. I spent a good part of our time there with my nose buried in the scriptures just hoping no one could see the tears streaming down my face.
We spent the rest of the day with Ben's family doing Family Pictures and celebrating birthdays. I wasn't quite myself (as I'm sure they all noticed, despite my best efforts to suppress my emotions).
Then Sunday My mom and I went to go visit her at the hospital. She is such a strong person, if she was suffering in anyway we couldn't see it. She was smiling, talking, laughing, and cracking jokes. It seriously made me feel so much better to be able to hug her. She has been in my life my WHOLE life. She is my second mom and I would NOT be who I am if it weren't for her. My mom, Her, and her daughter (my best friend and sister) are three of the biggest influences and supports I've had through out my life. I love them!
Afterward my mom drove me home and we sat in her car outside of my house just talking a crying for about an hour. 
I am so lucky to have two moms.

Then today Ben's sister Aubree was set apart as a missionary for the LDS church and will be leaving for the Atlanta Georgia North mission tomorrow. 
So tonight we said our good byes and of course I cried while she was being set apart, when I hugged her goodbye for the last time for 18months and the whole car ride home. I cannot express just how proud I am of her and how much I am going to miss her. We have has some fun times and I think we get along so well because she is the female version of Ben and doesn't judge me for my weirdness. Instead she joins in. :) She is an amazing girl and I know she will be an amazing missionary.

Then on Thursday my hubby will graduate from recruit camp. Guaranteed I WILL cry.

I have cried more in the last few days then I have in a LONG time.
I am overwhelmed with so many different emotions. Worry, fear, anxiety, stress, happiness, relief, pride, joy... EVERYTHING all at once.
So what have I been doing to calm myself???...   
I've baked.
Coconut macaroons. Short bread. Oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, white bread, banana bread, home made oreos, blue berry muffins, and chocolate chip cookies.
Yep... I have been baking and will continue to bake for a while.

Like I said... I am Exhausted... Emotionally Exhausted...


Thursday, April 11, 2013

Spring Cleaning and Fun Eating!

So I may or may not be a little on the OCD side of things when it comes to my home. Which is why my laundry room has been giving me anxiety lately, IT WAS A DISASTER! So after Ben reorganized the basement and made room for things to be put away (the basement is FULL of his stuff so I avoid it, HA) I deep cleaned my laundry room! :) I cannot explain how amazing it feels to have the WHOLE house cleaned and organized! It is like my own little form of paradise... that is until my two year old goes turbo and destroys the house in ten seconds flat... Haha... the joys of motherhood. :)

Here are my before and afters... I am mortified by the before picture but the after picture isn't as great with out it... so I'll just embarrass myself for now...

Now onto food! I LOVE LOVE LOVE to cook. I'm better at baking but I'm learning...
So this last week I made Chloie some pizza rolls with marinara sauce... She DEVOURED them!

Here is what I did. It was SUPER EASY!

I Thawed and raised some Rhodes rolls then topped them with some pepperoni and shredded cheese. Heated the sauce and baked the rolls for 20 mins at 350.

 Then ENJOY!

Then last night I made a Steamed Artichoke, Ben had never had one before so it was fun to see him try it.

First off you need to cut about an inch of the top and cut the thorns off (kitchen shears are very helpful), then rub the cut ends with lemon to keep them from browning. Separate the leaves a bit then set the artichoke stem up in the steamer and steam for 25-30 mins.

Once it is done steaming let it cool then spread the leaves apart till you get to the "fuzzy" stuff. Scrape the fuzz off of the heart then you can either leave it open or cut the heart out like I did.

 Serve with Lemon butter!
If you've never eaten an artichoke before (like Ben) you pull the leaf off, dip it, and  scrape the "meat" off the side that was attached to the heart with your bottom teeth. It's one of my favorite foods ( that and Crab. Ben says I like dangerous food because Crab has claws and artichoke has thorns... he may be right...) haha.

Well that is all for today! Thanks for stopping by!

My Stick Family from WiddlyTinks.com

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

It's Nearly Over!!

This is the LAST full week of boot camp! I am SO EXCITED for it to be over, you have no idea!
Next week is going to be a little bitter sweet though...
Aubree (Ben's little sister) is leaving on the 17th to serve an LDS mission (in Atlanta, Georgia) the day before Ben's promotional ceremony...
We are definitely going to miss Auntie Aubree! But it's only 18 months and we will write her letters and send pictures as often as we can!

So this week was my brother Jordan's 26th birthday, OLD MAN! He is seriously the best big brother anyone could ask for, he's kind of a grumpy butt but that's just what makes him... him. :)
I really am so grateful to have Jordy in my life he is a wonderful example and fabulous uncle to my girls (they LOVE him) and without him we wouldn't have my amazing sister in law, Whitney, and THREE of the cutest little girls (Paisley, Rylee, and Hadlee)!

Just some picture on Jordy!

On Saturday we are doing family pictures with Ben's family and a triple birthday dinner (for Jen, Aubree, and I). Then next week Aubree will be set apart on Tuesday and leave Wednesday. Wednesday is also the barbecue for recruit camp and Thursday I get to pin Ben's badge on him at the promotional ceremony!(something I've watched my mom and sister in law do for my brother and my dad so I'm pretty excited that it's MY turn! :))
THEN Ben's first shift on C-platoon will be on Friday (it's only going to be 1/2 shift since his shift would technically start on Thursday) then we get him all to ourselves for FOUR days! I'm so ready for the 48/96hr shifts!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Playing in St George

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!PICTURE OVERLOAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Chloie, Eve, and I went to St George this past week with my family and had a BLAST!
We got there on Wednesday with Baylie and spent some time just hanging out with Grandma and Grandpa Great and of course taking a billion pictures!

On Thursday we went to Black Rock Road (That's what my Grandpa called it... not sure if that's actually what it's called...) BUT it was BEAUTIFUL! We stopped to look at the gorge and found a bunch of funny looking furry caterpillars and odd plants. Then Grandpa, Dad, Mom, Bay, Jay, Chloie, and Leon all went for a little hike while Grandma, Barbra and I stayed by the cars with little Eve (who slept the entire time).

Then afterwards Baylie, Chloie, Eve, and I headed over the Dan and Chantelle's to play with Haiven, Raylie, Luke, Logan, and Tayli's boys; Nixon, and Jovi (Dan and Chantelle's nephews). Oddly my Chloie was the only one really interested in playing in the little pool (my kid is a fish!). So she is the only one I got pictures of in it. 

Then on Friday we went to Sand Hollow, IT WAS GORGEOUS and I cannot wait to go back!!! :)
Chloie LOVED it and was not to happy when we had to leave. It was so much fun, they made a sandcastle (which I don't have pictures of for some reason) and splashed around and skipped rocks. It was a perfect mellow trip!

^I LOVED the clear blue water and red sand, it was amazing!
 Me being... Me.^
 Everyone just hanging out ^^
 Chloie in heaven! ^

My Chloie and I! :)^

Then we spent a few hours at the pool with Chantelle, Haiven, Sharise, Tayli, Nixon, and Jovi but unfortunately I forgot my camera. 
Chloie has got quite the sunburn on her little shoulders from all the sun that day.. 
Then Saturday we watched the morning session of the LDS General Conference (There were a few amazing talks that I am excited to read again), I re-learned how to crochet,and had breakfast before we headed home. 
Chloie and Eve LOVE their Grandma and Grandpa Great (My dad's parents) we are lucky to be able to see them so often. Chloie is VERY attached to her Grandpa Great and would be perfectly content just sitting with him and watching old movies of Wheel of Fortune for hours! It is adorable! :)

 Chloie and Aunt Baylie sharing a bowl of cereal.
Eve enjoying her Great Grandparents! :)

 ^ Apparently this is the face I make when I'm concentrating... ha! 

And that's it! :)

Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter Weekend

We had a great weekend! We started it off by going out for a bike ride around day break!

Then we headed to my parents to color easter eggs!

Sunday morning Chloie hunted for eggs around our house

Then she "helped" me make cookies!

Then we headed back to my parent for lunch and to play with these cute girls!

And we had dinner at Ben's parents and took a couple family pictures!

And today Eve had her FIRST taste of baby food and LOVED it, she ate an entire thing of green beans! :)