Thursday, March 20, 2014

"Mommy wars"

Is anyone else over this whole "mommy wars" thing? 
I feel like everywhere I look some mom is putting down the way another mom "mommys".
Whether it be the "you didn't breast feed?! Breast is best" Or "cloth diapering is better for your child and the environment" 
I feel like every move We make as moms is being judged and commented on. 
Why is that?
Does it matter if I chose to bottle and breast feed? Have a home Birth Or have an epidural? To use disposable diapers Or cloth diapers? 
Whether I co-slept or not, whether I do time out or not, whether bedtime is set in stone or more flexible... Those are my decisions. 

Why is it "wrong" to make holidays special by doing the 12 days of Christmas with goodies and fun activities or elf on the shelf? Or making heart shaped cookies for valentines? Or making all their food green for st pattys? 
Does the choice to make my kids feel special or make the holidays more fun really impact your life? 
I do not do the things I do as a parent to gain the approval of others. I do not do things to make you feel like you need to "keep up" or to hear how much better you are. 
I do them for me. 
And my children. 
I enjoy making homemade fingerpaints when we are bored. 
Doing chalk paint when the weather is nice.
And doing a thankful tree for thanks giving to not only teach my kids to be thankful but to give them something to look forward to. 

I want my kids to have the kind of childhood I did. I want them to remember frosting cookies for Santa, catching leprachons in the backyard, and staying up all night trying to catch a glimpse of the Easter bunny.

Isn't that every parents goal? To make their child's childhood something fun for them (and us) to look back on?

Everyone parents differently. 

There is not right or wrong way. 
We are all just doing we best we can.

So let's stop putting eachother down and start cheering eachother on. 

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