Friday, June 27, 2014

Frozen moments

I don't know about you, but I have about a million pictures between my phone, camera, and computer that I've never shared. 
I capture moments and keep them to myself. 
I am a picture hoarder. 
There I said it. 
First step right?!  ;) 
I am constantly snapping picture of my kids and my (unknowing) husband. 
My phone is overloaded and my dslr's two memory cards... Let's not even go there... 
But lately I feel like my brain is mush. If I don't capture a moment I want to remember forever... I'll forget it in five minutes. 
Mom brain. 
So I've decided in an effort to use (share) all these frozen memories I'm going to start posting them here.  
A few at a time. 


Evelynne singing "happy! Happy! Happy!" In the tub. 

 Chloie chasing Evelynne in the backyard "I'm gonna get you, baby!"

Eve loves watching the sunrise snuggled up on mommy's bed. (She is an early riser...) 

Miss Chloie is 3 1/2 and still light enough to toss in the air. Little miss skinny mini.

Chloie watching the sunset through the front door. Love her piggies! :)

My little magnet. 

 Watching a rain storm. Eve kept saying "wow, mom!" 

Aparently we spend a lot of time looking through the front door... But seriously, anytime we get to spend a day or even a half day with daddy the girls are so excited. Ben works a LOT so we soak up every minute we can get and I've got Two little daddy's girls. :) 

That's all for now. 
Thanks for stopping by! 

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