..okay.. I've been sick for most of my life.
But lately it has been getting worse.
This illness, at times, completely consumes me.
I call it "the comparing bug" and i would like nothing more then to be rid of it.
But everywhere I look some one has something "better" then I do.
Their pictures are prettier.
Their hair is perfect. ALL. THE. TIME.
Their house is - bigger, cleaner, artsier...
Their voices are amazing.
Their kids dress like mini models.
Their husbands are home A LOT.
They're closer with their family.
They have countless friends.
They get to work/ further their education.
They have FREE time...
And I can't seem to stop myself from day dreaming or being bright green with envy.
What is wrong with me?!
Nothing. The answer is : nothing.
We all do it.
It's "normal"
And therein lies the problem.
I find that the more time I spend on social media the sicker I get. Because people don't post pictures of dirty dishes piled up in the sink, or laundry covered floors, or messy haired-makeup less-pimple covered-I've had it with being a mom selfies.
People want compliments and "likes" they want people to think their lives are picture perfect at all times. Because what they are seeing on their feed is YOUR perfect life. Imagine that.
I like to think that I don't contribute to this cycle but I most likely do... in one way or another. Or maybe I don't... Maybe I make people feel better about themselves...
I'll never know.
Because we don't talk about.
We all walk around acting perfect.
Not admitting that we ate ice cream for breakfast, We have OCD (which is the ONLY reason our house is clean), we drank way too much diet coke today, we have not washed our hair in a week...
Or maybe that's just me...
I think we are all so jealous of other peoples "perfection" that we are all afraid of being judged for not being as perfect.
I am going to try to spend less time on social media and more time being happy.
Because i am sick of being sick.
And the best way to get better is to accept and enjoy all the imperfections surrounding me.
With that being said...
I won't judge you for being imperfect. In fact I may just smile, hug you, and invite you over for a dirty diet coke drinkin', still in our pjs, and rocking messy buns while our kids run around half dressed covered in mud kinda play date . ;)
Cause that is how I roll...