Saturday, February 2, 2013

Chloie's To Do List

I made a framed to do list for my kitchen a few weeks ago and it had mostly "mommy to dos", which seemed kinda silly to me. I can't really be the only person in our house that should be doing something daily.
So I made a "Chloie to do list" and a "Eve's to do list"

Eve has one "chore" (which is mainly just so I remember...) its TUMMY TIME! :)

Chloie's "chores" each day are
1. Take a bath/ get dressed/ and get a hair do!
2. brush teeth
3. Try out the potty
4. Color/ Create/ or bake something (with mommies help of course)
5. Sing/ dance/ and learn something new

Today she chose to create something.
I didn't even know she was doing it til she came running into my room yelling "Mom, Mom, all done!!!" she grabbed my hand and dragged me down the hall where I found this....
Chloie was so excited about it, she jumped up and down and gabbered nonsense at me and pointed at it.
Chore number 4 done. :)

Then we played for a bit...
 She makes the best faces!
 Then it was time to take a quick power nap on Allie!
 I LOVE that Chloie is starting to know what her "chores" are and does them with out being told or prompted to. It's great!

1 comment:

  1. Love the list idea and how well it is working. We have a photo of one of Todd's daughters cuddling with their dog and one with Michelle's daughter cuddling with their dog. So sweet!
