Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Seeing the good

Little miss chloie has become her very own, unique, person. 
She is bossy, stubborn, smart, very vocal, sweet, and a little temperamental. 

Watching her personality blossom is so much fun. A little overwhelming at times but fun. 

She has become a backseat driver(red says stop! Turn here, no! not there, turn around) 

She thinks she's the boss (okay mom, go make you bed! And then make mine) 

She is a fashionista (oooo I love you tutu dress!) 

My favorite thing to see is her sweet side. She loves to give compliments. (Your hair is beautiful. I love your shoes. You're gorgeous...) 
I want my girls to be the kind of girls that compliment and lift others up. 
The kind of person I myself want to be. 

It is so easy to point out flaws and put people down. But, in my opinion, it is even easier to point out the good in people.

While I am hyper critical of myself, I choose to find something that I love about everyone. 
From their hair, or sense of style, to their ability to teach, or sing... Or whatever makes that person special. 

And I am thrilled that my three year old is already picking up on this. And honestly she's even better at it then I am!

She loves to tell random people how beautiful they are. She picks something they are wearing or even the sound of their voice and compliments them. 
She told a little old lady that she "loved her voice" the other day. 
I wish you all could have seen the look on that lady's face. Priceless. 
And the way she treats her baby sis, melts me everytime. 
She tells her things like "your eyes sparkle" and then gives her a kiss! It's the cutest thing I've ever seen. 

I must be doing something right..   :)

1 comment:

  1. Sweet! I love that you are still into blogging! Great way to keep a journal!
