Monday, December 29, 2014


Chloie has become quite the chatter box as of late. And has bee spouting the most random things. 

Some e of my favorite things she says have been: 

"I haven't seen this in TWENTY years!!!" - while cleaning her room. 

"I'm six years old, mom! I'm not a child" - whenever I ask her to do something. 

"I don't know how to make bodies! My mom made us" referring to building a Lego robot. 

"You're the most beautiful, and beautifullest, beautifuller mommy ever" when I tell her she's beautiful. :) 

She is the funniest little girl. 
I really enjoy being with her all day everyday and being able to watch her become a "person".  

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Be the good

Being a mommy is hard work. 
Whether you are a working mom or a stay-at-home mom. (I've done both)
And to be a mom now days is especially hard. 
Because we make it hard on eachother. 

Maybe it's just my size and my youthful appearance, but I get A TON of unsolicited "advice". 
Anyone else experience this? 

I generally have at least three kids with me everywhere I go and (almost) without fail someone stops me to offer a word of advice. Or to tell me I'm tooyoung to have Sooo many kids. Or my personal favorite the "your child wouldn't behave that way if you didn't/weren't (insert something condescending here)"
It's a wonderfully opinionated world we live it, isn't it?

I even had a man refuse to open a door for me while I was holding my 40lb special needs neice, dragging my (kicking and screaming) two year old, and pleading with my three year old to keep up. After which he said "if you put the big one down and let her walk your life might be easier" to which I replied "if she could walk on her own I wouldn't being carrying her". 

So, why is it that when we see someone struggling we offer up judgment instead of a helping hand?
Do we honestly think we know more/better than everyone else?

What I am getting at here is  next time you see someone in need (whether they're struggling with an ornery child or just have their hands full) offer up a helping hand, or a KIND word. 
Be the good in someone's day. 

Put yourself in someone else's situation and treat them how you would want to be treated. 

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Miss Evelynne

It's the middle of the night. Evelynne is snuggled up on my chest asleep. 
In just a few hours she will be two years old - though she's been acting two for months now ;) 
::Birthday letter:: 

Dear sweet Evelynne, 
In the morning you will be two!! 
I cannot believe just how quickly you have gone from being placed on my chest -just moments old- to being a talkative, outgoing, independent (almost) two year old.
I love watching you explore, create, and play. 
Hearing new words come out of your mouth has become a daily thing and each time I am more and more amazed at how quickly you pick things up. 
You already have such a funny personality and have developed a quit wit and silly sense of humor. 
You are very attached to your mommy. You spend most of the day making sure I am within reach and you make it very clear when I has strayed too far for your liking. :) 
You are the sweetest little love (most days) you hug and kiss everyone. You randomly come snuggle and kiss me during the day and tell me you love me at least 20 times a day. 
But just cause you are tiny and sweet doesn't mean you don't stand up for yourself and, BOY, do You have a temper when things don't go your way.. ;)
I'm a little sad that age one has come and gone so quickly but I am excited to see what changes come out way during this next year of your life. 
Happy birthday, my sweet baby. 
I love you to the moon! 