Thursday, October 2, 2014


Can I be real for a minute? Is that okay to do? 
Most of the "being a mommy" articles I've read lately talk about how wonderful being a parent is and how every moment is amazing. 
I don't know about anyone else but I feel like these articles are there to make me feel like I'm not doing enough. The pictures that go along with them are these perfect spotless homes, perfectly dresses kids, stylish moms with flawless hair and makeup... If only that were my reality. 

I get that motherhood is a blessing and kids are tiny miracles but sometimes those tiny miracles make me wanna rip out my hair. 
If you came to my house right now you would find toys everywhere, sipping cups soaking in the sink, crayon artwork on most of my walls and piles of laundry in each of our bedrooms. 
I am a neat freak. I LOVE LOVE LOVE when my house is spotless and smells like Lysol.
 BUT the reality of having 3 to 4 kids daily under 4 with 2 in 2 separate preschools is that my house is rarely clean. 
And the majority of the time I'm too exhausted to clean so I just sit in the midst of the mess trying my best not to cry, or scream. 
Being a mom raising two kids and watching other kids full time is overwhelming at times. 
YES,  it's a joyous, wonderful, meaningful  blessing I've been given just being a mom. 
And YES, I am lucky enough to be able to help with my neice and nephew as well as stay home to raise my own kids. 
But good gosh it is hard. 
I don't get days off, date nights are few and far between (finding a babysitter when you are seen as the babysitter is next to impossible), And I can't even remember the last time I slept through the night. 
Not everyday is wonderful. 
Somedays are down right dreadful. 
I guess what I am getting at is motherhood isn't picture perfect all the time, there are moments and those little moments of joy are what carry us through the rest of it. 
I just wish that magazines and Pinterest would just stop making it look like life as a mom is perfect. 
It is wonderful and amazing. 
But rarely is it perfect.